
Monday, January 20, 2014

Angels, Guides, Ancestors- what they are and what they are not

an excerpt form my book Angels, Guides, Ancestors
copyright 2012

Angels, Ancestors & Guides – An Overview

Before we begin learning how to find and communicate with our angels, guides, and ancestors, let us clarify exactly who these beings are.  You may already be communicating with them, but do not know it.  So, basic definitions are as follows.

Ancestors are deceased loved ones.  You may have known some.  Others could be part of your family / families who love you even though you have not ever met them nor had the chance to love them back.  We most commonly think of those born before us who have passed – but children and siblings who have passed before us are also included in this grouping.

Guides are spiritual beings that are sent to help us.  We can hear them as a whisper or a shout, and we may see them as signs and symbols throughout our day. We may also feel a profound presence of urgency or peace when they are trying to communicate.
Guides are here to guide us, not control us or take us over;  we do not become "possessed" by spirit guides as that would be antithetical to their purpose. These are highly evolved beings which have grown as spiritual beings, originally from human form.  They can, therefore, relate to our problems and questions.
Guides frequently work in tandem with each other and reside in an “inner band” and an “outer band”.

Angels are, in the purest sense, messengers from God – carrying a message or performing a task divinely directed.  The word angel is from the Greek “angelos” meaning messenger of God.

Ancestors, guides and angels are distinct beings.  Some of us relate better to one energy form than the others.

We will deal with each one of these in turn: learn their meaning, their function in our everyday lives, and how to find them in the human energetic field.  We will learn how to discover and communicate with these beings, visually and in other “energetic” ways. And we will do it in practical, earthly ways that work to get you communicating with your spirit world.

The importance of distinguishing between the three groups is that they will all operate in your life, but differently.  They have somewhat different purposes, but collectively work together for your highest and best good.  They can direct you in practical matters such as finance, travel, career, relationships, and more. Ancestors, guides and angels are all beings sent to us to aid us in living productive, happy and spiritual lives in peace and abundance.  They are here to help us find our soul’s calling and fulfill it with an open spirit channel.

 What These Energies Are and Are Not

An angel is an angel – not a guide nor an ancestor.
A guide is a guide – not an angel nor an ancestor.
An ancestor is an ancestor – not an angel nor a guide.

All of these helpers-angels’ guides and ancestors – operate from different planes and have somewhat different purposes, but they work together for your highest and best good.

Each of these entities exists in its own structured world within an order or grouping that is appropriate for each being.  Although each grouping of layers stands alone as one, together they form a structure or plane that builds on each level, just as steps build a stairway and rungs build a ladder.

Firstly, the lowest plane, closest to us, is the “layer” of ancestors.  This can be deep or narrow, a singular “rung” or multiple steps, or even insignificant depending on the number of significant ancestors you have.
Ancestors are defined as those who have passed that are in your direct blood line.   This includes not only the genealogical line going backward (parents, etc.) but those younger who have passed such as offspring and siblings.

The second, slightly higher plane is that of the guides. Guides exist in a committee or as teams.
They often may be recognized as symbols and reside in outer and inner bands.
A spirit guide is not a being that you give yourself over to.  It is an being that works alongside you.  If you are dealing with something dark and / or oppressive, this is not a guide.  Spirit guides work for your highest and best good.
The guide plane encompasses masters and common guides
Next we encounter the realm of angels.  According to the world of angelology, these celestial beings have their own hierarchy consisting of “nine choirs” arranged in 3 triads.
Triad 1 has Seraphim, Cherubim, and Thrones. 
Triad 2 houses Dominions, Virtues and Powers. 
And Triad 3 is composed of Principalities, Archangels, and Angels.
The ancestors, guides and angels operate on different planes.  All these planes are higher than the human plane.  Angels operate on the highest plane; guides operate slightly lower and ancestors are found slightly lower yet.

The ancestors, guides and angels are said to appear in your energetic field. They normally just appear generally in that space, but some people can perceive them as being related to a specific chakra or aura layer.  Seeing them in relation to a chakra or aura layer would give the viewer much more information about the being and his purpose. 
 (The focus of this book is on the beings, not the human aura where they can be seen.  However, since all these energies flow and can overlap, a basic knowledge of the human energetic field may be useful.

Some people are more sensitive to angels than guides and vice versa.  This can be perfectly normal and is nothing to worry about.  Your purpose in life may need more communication and guidance from one group than the other – just go with the flow.

With regard to “seeing” guides, angels and ancestors, most people do not know how to look for them, what to look for, or where / when to look.
Basically, there are three ways to enable contact with your angels, guides, and ancestors:
          You go up to their level,
          You bring them down your level, or
          You meet them someplace in the middle.

To develop these techniques, we need to delve briefly into the Human Energetic Field, where angels, guides, and ancestors can be found. 
We will start by introducing the “clairs” – methods of perceiving information.  It is most helpful if you know your own “clair”, that is your own way of sensing and understanding energy - in order to explore your energetic field where the angels, guides, and ancestors can be found.

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