

Take excellent care of yourself!
~ by Diane

In April 2019, I am focusing on Angel Bethany. This information is from the deck (Messages from your Angels, Oracle Cards, by Doreen Virtue), “When you take excellent care of yourself, everybody benefits. Give yourself a relaxing treat today, such as a message, sea salt bath, or pedicure”

This loving message from Angel Bethany is important because you are such a giver on a regular basis. Think of this like the analogy of when the oxygen mask falls down in an airplane — they always say, “put your mask on first.” In this way, you not only take care of yourself, you can also help others who need assistance. It is important to also receive love and support from yourself (and others). This is a necessary step in acceptance and relaxation that will enhance your spirituality.  So make sure and take note — relaxation has multiple benefits. The more you do nice things for yourself, the easier it will be to do more, and the happier you will be! Take time to spoil yourself, you deserve it. Have some fun with this. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!

Angel Bethany reminds us that our soul is calling out to heaven for some rest and relaxation. You have been so diligent in working and achieving more and more. And on top of your own tasks, you have also been helping others with their challenges, too. Let the angels share with you. All you need to do is ask and allow. Now is the time for your reward. This is a direct message from heaven. Take care of yourself and do not get distracted from this very important mission. Take steps right now to create special time for you. You will feel refreshed, be happier and have a lot more peace of mind. 

Try this idea for April: The practice of Loving-Kindness. Get comfortable, close your eyes and relax your body. Take several deep breaths… say the following from your heart —
  • May I be Safe
  • May I be Healthy
  • May I be Happy
  • May I be At Ease
  • May I be Filled with Loving-Kindness
  • May I be Peaceful

Expect Magic and Miracles… Diane

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Fly high, you are Un-Stoppable!
~ by Diane 

In February 2019, I am focusing on Angel Aurora. This information is from the deck (Messages from your Angels, Oracle Cards, by Doreen Virtue), “You are flying high right now, which may threaten others. But don’t descend, because others will soon become inspired by your example.”
In the month of February, we often think of love, the colors of red & pink and relationships. But here, Angel Aurora is talking about the power within YOU. This year amplifies how much you have been consistently investing in self care. You are growing and transforming spiritually. It may be showing up with your personal choices and shifts with the people you choose to spend time with. It could be popping up in job or career choices. And frequently you are expressing yourself more often in a more genuine fashion with your creativity, in whatever form calls to you. Hooray!!!. 

In the above image, I ask you to tune into the ‘Pink Angel’ as you. Yes, the pink angel stands out. How does that make you feel? Is it akward? Are you feeling uncomfortable? Do you want to go hide or blend in? Regardless of your initial reaction, thinking of this angel as yourself — what would you think if the Pink Angel was your best friend, sister or daughter? Would you be ready to jump in and cheer her on with her great success, with complete confidence? I know you are loyal and that is awesome. But, why are you resistant to supporting & encouraging your own stand-out success??? (I know, that is a deep one!) You do not need to answer that question out loud, or tell me. Just spend some introspective time sitting with that. What does it bring up? If you get emotions, tears, or denial or anything else, all of that is ok. It’s like peeling the layers of an onion. There are many, many layers to peel. 

So, back to the image of the angels. There are many other angelic beings around the Pink Angel.. In recent times, you have begun to really flourish. That is very exciting! Yet, you are likely being overly humble and hiding your success. Maybe even trying to blend in with everyone else. Stop that, you silly silly soul. Now is the time to embrace your success. Yes, I am a big fan of being grateful and appreciative. You are already doing that. Yay, keep it up! But be proud of yourself! Find a way to celebrate. And guess what, this is just the start. There is a lot more to explore and experience. You are busting out of the old rut you defined as your comfort zone. It is really just a familiar zone. Because, if you are honest with yourself, it was really not that comfortable after all. 
So, my homework for you, is to dream BIG. Bigger than you have ever allowed yourself to dream since you were a very small child. Children really believe that anything is possible. And that is beautiful. They have that strong knowing not because they are young and “know nothing” of how things really work. Children have that belief because they are young and still deeply connected to powerful divine energy — instead of the right/wrong, black/white, follow my rules or else mentality in this world that we put them in. Calm down, no judgements here. We are each doing the very best we can with what we know at the time. I want to keep learning, growing and reaching new levels. I hope I keep seeing you on this new adventure. Angel Aurora is right beside us, supporting us on our path. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. 

Expect Magic and Miracles… Diane

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