
Friday, October 20, 2017

Have You Had Your Glass of Reiki today?

My question for you is “Have you had your glass of reiki today?”

That is right!  You and your clients have experienced the benefits of reiki from your hands/your intent- from the “out-side in”.  Think about the possibilities if you could experience the power of reiki from the “inside out”.  Imagine reiki surging through every vein and corpuscle of your being!

For an incredible experience for yourself (or your pet), take your well-being up a notch by “drinking your” reiki.   (Done daily it is a great stress buster – keep anxiety under control.)

So how is “reiki water” made?  There is nothing to purchase.  You already have all the equipment you need.  You can use this “equipment” anytime, anywhere.

In order infuse your water with reiki (to “super charge” it), simply hold the glass between your palms and do one of the following (none of which should take more than 30 seconds):
-simply intend reiki
-run the reiki energy palm to palm through the glass
-say out loud (or whisper) “reiki super charge”.

Now enjoy your water.  Note: some people report that reiki infused water tastes “purer” or slightly sweet.

Some people like to supercharge large amounts of water with Practical Reiki -enough for a week’s worth of drinking or drinking and washing.  All that is really needed is to gather together all the bottles of water or large jugs of water and apply one of the above techniques.
Some people report that when preparing water weeks or months in advance that it “stays fresher” if there is a Practical Reiki symbol (picture on front of the book) placed under or near the container.

Expand your thinking.  Think outside the box.  Fill your tub with nice warm water & instead of bubbles – infuse it with reiki!  Got a cranky pet?  Try infusing its bath or drinking water with reiki!!

Bring on the power of Reiki!

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