
Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Surrender, Diane Faist, Illuminated Insights

We can’t hide anymore. It’s time to Surrender!

I have talked about the poweful energy we now live in. It is potent. And it is exciting. I do see the beauty in life: in people, places and things — most of the time. Yet, I keep getting hit with this annoying heavy energy I just can’t ignore it any longer. Ughh… It is time to be raw and real.

When I talk about surrender in this article, it is not a weakness — it is a conscience choice to stop over-controlling and over-thinking. It is allowing the universe to lead the way! (p.s. I do know that the body innately knows how to heal itself — if we get out of the way More on that later.) Clearly, what I have been doing by default is not really working as I planned! I need to deeply listen to what my body is trying to tell me. I have learned more than I could’ve imagined over the years and I have witnessed my body healing itself to an amazing degree. Yet, there is still a lingering message I need to address. 
My latest awareness is to ask myself two deep and revealing questions. 1) what is the benefit of keeping things the same? 2) what is the risk in healing completely? I needed to sit with that a bit… I had some big aha’s but more reveals appear over time. 

The more you ponder, ask questions and peel away the layers of the ‘onion’ through discovery — the more raw and real you are with yourself. This surrender process will dredge up a wide range of emotions. Let them all out — it is cleansing. This was also humbling and a relief of sorts for me. This is a work in progress.
Drop me a line, and let me know how you are doing.  — Diane

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