
Monday, November 6, 2017

Living with a Chronic Degenerative Disease

(Parkinson’s Disease)

I have had advanced Parkinson’s Disease (PD) for almost forty years now.  It came into my life uninvited and unannounced when I was in my twenties. It has remained an obnoxious and unwanted visitor ever since.

I have never considered myself “disabled”.  I have seen the rest of the world as having many shortfalls.

I have never seen myself as inadequate or not “up to speed”.  I have often thought of the world as being inadequate for being unable to keep up with my expectations.

When the symptoms of PD rise up and threaten to consume me, I am ever so grateful that PD has many things associated with it but pain is not one of them.  As well, I am thankful that I was born into a place and time where medical technology can ease the symptoms and that I have been placed in an affluent country and abundant life style so as to be able to partake of every opportunity.

I experience valleys and dark places but at those times am thankful for because of them, I can appreciate the mountain tops and know what a privilege it is to live and walk in Light.

I partake of and experience life much more deeply than the rest of the world.  I inhale deeply and with each breath I draw in the nectar/essence of life.

There is never a holiday.  PD is always there.
My two “aces in the hole”
1. I am not afraid of today or tomorrow because I have seen yesterday.
2. When the darkness pushes in, I let it push open the Door of Grace and  I step across the threshold to angels and the way of heaven.  I “kick off my shoes” and stay a while.

When I fall or need a wheel chair, I do not see this a problem ambulating but as being closer to being on my knees - the gateway to God, Grace and Miracles.

When you look at me what do you see?
Do you see a decrepit disintegrating shell?
Or do you see what is really here?
I am a fiery ball of god light.
I am sacred.
I am holy.
I am powerful.
I walk with angels.
I am known by The One Who is Un-nameable” and the “One Who Is Known by a Thousand Names.
I call The Great I Am  “friend”

Connie Dohan

06 Nov 2017

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