
Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Is the Stress Too Much? Illuminated Insights Dianergy

Is the stress, too much?

“When life feels out of control, just pause, close your eyes and breathe deeply.”

It is the start of December. According to the holiday music and movies, this should be a time of peace and fun with family and friends. Unfortunately, life can also get very stressful and out of control. We can get triggered by all kinds of people and situations. Even if your life is on overdrive, you can choose to compartmentalize your life so you can be present in the right here and right now.

A lifestyle change can help you focus on what brings you true happiness. Instead of filling your calendar with obligations, consider choosing joy instead. This is really about respecting what is best for you. It is also about boundaries and listening to how your mind/body/spirit is responding to the energy.

Instead of being consumed by stress, choose to surround yourself with the attitude of calm. I find peace in nature or with animals. Again, you are the only one who is really in charge of the choices you make. Let go of all the over-scheduling and forced busyness. Instead, slow down and relax. You are your number one priority. Choose to turn the dial on stress. Now is the time to re-discover the true you. Enjoy the season!

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