
Monday, May 28, 2018

Illuminated Insights by Diane

The Universe responds to how you feel!

The Universe is not responding to who you are. The Universe is responding to who you think you are. The Universe is responding to who you feel you are.
~Abraham Hicks

We all work hard and do our best, most of the time. Yet, sometimes it feels like we are fighting an uphill battle. This applies to everything; including your love life, career, education, family, finances, life purpose and overall life satisfaction. 

Instead of always focusing on the age old mantras: no pain no gain, success requires hard work and plenty of blood, sweat and tears — I’m suggesting a new way of thinking. The energy on the planet is changing. And our approach to life can change too. Decide today to focus on how you want to FEEL. Hmm… what do you desire the most? Is it feeling safe & at peace, financially free & empowered; healthy, happy & full of abundant energy? Take some time to be really honest with yourself. Yes, this is a different way of moving forward in life, for sure. But have your other methods been working for you? Once you feel the feeling of already accomplishing your goals—success is inevitable. It just takes practice. Believe me it works! However, if you keep repeating the “reality mentality” of lack, fear, doubt and worry — guess what you are going to keep getting? More of the same. The choice is yours!

If you’d like some useful tools to help you on this journey, just let me know. I have a number of them that I find very helpful. Remember the more you practice. The easier it gets 

Check out my other articles, info and blog on my site at and let me know how I can help you live the life you dream of — Dianne

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Self empowerment - on your terms

It has come to my attention that in the race to find the life's purpose & soul's calling, many cannot find the path and just as many seem to fall off the path with a giant "thud".

In many cases this is because one is building on a rocky foundation - or no foundation at all.

Here I offer some attunements to help you get your house in order such that you have a good foundation for life in general as well as your journey along the ascension road.

All are a fraction of the cost you would expect to pay.
All can be receved in the convenience,comfort & privacy of your own home -  in your pajamas if you'd like!!

Empower yourself & then empower others.
Each attunement inclcudes easy step by step instructions for passing the attunement on (for fun or profit)

Angels and Weight Loss Attunement

Invoke the angels to assist you to lose weight & keep it off!!

The 10 page user’s manual includes
  • supporting information
  • which angels are responsible for weight loss
  • how to invoke them.
  • video link for you to join to receive attunement
  • clear concise instructions for passing the attunement on
Angels  & Weight Loss $25 to     PayPal.Me/AmidAngels    click here

Lemurian DNA Healing Codes
LEMURIAN DNA HEALING CODESIn this attunement, the ancient forgotten healing codes are activated in your DNA.
This attunement consists of eleven distinct activations which are received by following along with the video link  found in the User’s Manual.
The energy of this healing method affects healing on a deep level - inside the very DNA of the cells of the body. Change happens from the cellular level outward.
After receiving, they can be passed to others.  (They must be passed as a group of eleven in the same sitting.  They are not intended as individual transmissions)
DNA healing Codes $25 to     PayPal.Me/AmidAngels  click here

Meditation / Attunement Video Quartet
These videos are the help you’ve been looking for. 
The 55 minutes of running time simply and concisely explain and guide you to connect with your  Master Guide and  your Inner Guides. 
As well, you will locate and establish your own private and personal Sacred Place.
Empower yourself and then use these journeys to lead others.
The manual includes links to the videos and concise explanations for each
Quartet  $35 to     PayPal.Me/AmidAngels      click here

Sacred Universal Healing Number Attunement
 Learn all about the obscure/forgotten universal healing number.  This holy, sacred number is energetically perfect.
It can be used to affect change, regeneration, restoration, healing, and general well-being  on all levels- physical, mental, emotional.   Learn the mantra & technique. 
Receive the attunement by viewing the video link given in the user’s manual
Become empowered to use this number and empower others by passing on the attunement. The user’s manual gives you everything you need including simple step by step instructions on how to pass the attunement on to others
Sacred Numbdr Attunemnet $25 to     PayPal.Me/AmidAngels        click here

Opening the Ascension Chakra

Opening the ascension chakra allows you to communicate with the higher vibration beings-angels, guides, elementals, and ancestors.
It facilitates your re-connection with your Higher Self.
It  raises your vibrational level -helping you attain your life’s purpose & soul’s calling.
It walks you through the 5 D gateway allowing you to live more victoriously and prosperously on this 3D plane.
The video link is provided in the user’s manual  to open this chakra in yourself. It activates as you view it.
The six page user’s manual will provide you with concise, easy-to-follow instructions for everything you need to know, including how to pass this attunement on to others. 
Opening the Ascension Chakra    $25 to     PayPal.Me/AmidAngels    click here

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Illuminated Insights by Diane 22 May 2018


Today is your day! Your Mountain is waiting. So… get on your way!
~Dr. Seuss

Looking out the window—whether it is sunny & glorious or storming like crazy… we can all choose to find peace/happiness/joy/adventure OR sadness/anger/loneliness/pain. 
Do you start your day by finding something to be grateful for (sunrise) and setting a positive intention for the day (Today’s going to be a Good Day).
Or, do you roll out of bed late and fall into auto pilot mode just taking one life event after another just trying to survive the day until its done? Hmm… Have you thought about this as a matter of choice? Because it is!

I was diagnosed with a serious illness, Multiple Sclerosis, 27 years ago. And yes, my life has changed a lot. But now I choose to see every day, every experience and every challenge… as a Good Day and a wonderful learning experience. It may take sometime to process—but from a big picture perspective… Everyday is a Good Day because I am learning and growing. 

Sometimes we feel that the craziness of life is out of our control, we are only one person! Or, that we have very little power or impact. I have learned that I only need to start with ME. 

The happier I am with myself, the happier I am out in the world. The more happiness we share with family/friends/co-workers and strangers… the happier our planet will be. It all starts with “ME”. So, start NOW!

Check out my other articles, info and blog on my site at and let me know how I can help you live the life you dream of — Diane

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Are you taking the time to schedule your priorities?

Image result for priorities

Illuminated Insights by Diane  Tuesday 15 May

Are you taking the time to schedule your priorities?

The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule but to schedule your priorities.

~Steven Covey

We all have very busy lives and our days easily fill up with work, family, exercise, friends, errands, doctor appointments, grocery shopping, washing dishes, doing laundry etc. and the list goes on and on and on. These are the daunting to-do items that nag at us!
Yet, when was the last time you put “Me Time” on your calendar? What do you dream of doing if you just had more time? Guess what, you do have more time. Just mark it on the calendar first… just like any other important activity. Spend time in Nature, Expressing your Creativity, Relax,Throw a ball with your buddies or children/grandchildren, Connect deeper with family and friends. Just pause and reflect. What hobbies/activities have you forgotten about? Would you enjoy starting them again? The most important part of this sacred time is reconnecting with the real, true “YOU.” But you may also choose to involve some of your favorite people in these activities. Hmmmm… What do you desire today/this week? Schedule time everyday, even if you have to start in small baby steps. Once you realize how much this simple loving activity boosts your energy/attitude/outlook this process will get easier and easier! Enjoy.

Check out my other articles, info and blog on my Website and let me know how I can help you live the life you dream of.

Diane Faist, 
(614) 450-2041

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Mothers qualify for sainthood!


God could not be everywhere, and therefore he made mothers. 
~Rudyard Kipling

I Believe Most People are Good...and Most Mama’s Oughta Qualify for  

(*lyrics by Luke Bryan)

Mother’s Day is right around the corner (in the United States). Now is the time to celebrate Mom’s in your life: whether it be your birth mom, adopted mom, grandmother, wife or other mother figure. And even if your mother has passed on, you can still pause—remember, and honor her! Stand up and recognize her with more gusto this year. She deserves it. Or, if she would rather have quiet time spent together, respect her wishes— sit in nature, canoe down a river, ride in a hot air balloon… or share a coffee and scone with heartfelt conversation (focused on listening instead of talking)… the options are endless.So surprise her with breakfast in bed, a visit, phone call or gift/card… plus try something a little different this year, and also give her the gift of Heart-Felt Listening. “Mom” has always been there for you to lean on. When is the last time that you ask her about her life when she was younger: her dreams and aspirations, biggest accomplishments or fears… the list can go on and on… Enjoy this genuine communication!* Luke Bryan song “Most People are Good”8

Visit my /Blog and let me know how I can help you live the life that you dream of.

Diane Faist, 